So for all those moms who have spent many a night awake with high fevers, stuffy noses, for all those times you nursed a broken heart or a broken bone, for the countless "talks" you have had or the endless advice sessions, for those late nights when you could barely keep your eyes open, going to pick them up from a late night party, for all those meals you poured love and attention to(including cutting off crusts and trimming the lettuce leaves for any brown spots), for every minute you spent caring, worrying and cherishing....yes for all of you my fellow mothers, my hat goes off to you for a job well done. We all know its not easy, but the rewards are great and to me there is no job in the world that fulfills me quite like motherhood. And for all you non mothers (or mothers to be), buckle your seat belt, hold on for dear are about to go on an adventure like no other, but trust me one you will be glad you took!
Thank you for stopping in. I will be away for the next 3 days, so thought I would include a few very sweet "Mothers day" inspired pictures and then a link to a bunch of posts you might enjoy in my absence over the next few days. I will be back on Wednesday!!
And a quick note to my own mother, my biggest fan, who is as beautiful inside as she is is impossible to love you more than I do. I want the whole world to know that. You are a constant source of inspiration and you have been there for me unconditionally. You set the bar high...... and I will continue to aspire to be just like you Mom! You truly are one in a million and I am incredibly lucky. I love you!
These are for you....
These are for you....

Hope you have a fabulous Mothers Day and so wish we were together!
If I could be greedy and it's fantasy so that's OK, this is what I would want to see when my husband says "close your eyes" now open and take a look at your present.....
How perfect of a greenhouse is this? Not too big, not too small, gorgeous topiaries in urns flanking even more gorgeous doors....LOVE this!
Now moving onto some of my favorite posts....
Always wanted to experience an old fashioned Christmas.....
How some of our favorite "celebs" live...and boy do know they how live! Part 1 and Part 2
Christmas.....good memories!
My virtual beach house and you are invited, please come by!
A fun 2013 Oscar recap as seen through my eyes
Come see my vision for my wedding if I were to do it all over again (same hubby)!
Decorating with fruit and vegetables
A little Hamptons tour......
And these from some blogging friends that are worth taking a peek at....
If you want a scrumptious appetizer click here ( but you might eat the entire batch yourself)
So many beautiful interior design inspirations in this post
I found this American now turned French resident inspiring.....
A truly beautiful and touching post as only Anita can do them....
Back to food (sorry) but these look so darn good, don't visit on an empty stomach :)
Check out this absolutely gorgeous patio redo
A fascinating look at families around the world and what is in their grocery bags...
Need the lowdown on the best mascaras? Read this!
You must check out this amazing mountain cabin, so exquisite!
Want to see what dining around the world al fresco looks like? Click here to see....
Hope you enjoy going through this....and mostly hope you enjoy your special day, doing whatever you want, that is the whole idea, right? Enjoy, and a super happy Mothers Day to all my readers who are mothers out there! Be back on Wednesday:)
If I could be greedy and it's fantasy so that's OK, this is what I would want to see when my husband says "close your eyes" now open and take a look at your present.....
How perfect of a greenhouse is this? Not too big, not too small, gorgeous topiaries in urns flanking even more gorgeous doors....LOVE this!
Now moving onto some of my favorite posts....
Always wanted to experience an old fashioned Christmas.....
How some of our favorite "celebs" live...and boy do know they how live! Part 1 and Part 2
Christmas.....good memories!
My virtual beach house and you are invited, please come by!
A fun 2013 Oscar recap as seen through my eyes
Come see my vision for my wedding if I were to do it all over again (same hubby)!
Decorating with fruit and vegetables
A little Hamptons tour......
And these from some blogging friends that are worth taking a peek at....
If you want a scrumptious appetizer click here ( but you might eat the entire batch yourself)
So many beautiful interior design inspirations in this post
I found this American now turned French resident inspiring.....
A truly beautiful and touching post as only Anita can do them....
Back to food (sorry) but these look so darn good, don't visit on an empty stomach :)
Check out this absolutely gorgeous patio redo
A fascinating look at families around the world and what is in their grocery bags...
Need the lowdown on the best mascaras? Read this!
You must check out this amazing mountain cabin, so exquisite!
Want to see what dining around the world al fresco looks like? Click here to see....
Hope you enjoy going through this....and mostly hope you enjoy your special day, doing whatever you want, that is the whole idea, right? Enjoy, and a super happy Mothers Day to all my readers who are mothers out there! Be back on Wednesday:)
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