Good morning! Hope your week is off to a good start. Over here, I have a list a mile long of things to get busy cracking on (mostly house related) so no rest for the's already another busy week. When I start my morning with a healthy dose of blue and white, I just know its going to be a great day. Every now and then I have to post on blue and white, to give me my regular "fix" of this scrumptious combination. It just never gets old........what can I say!!
I am also super excited to have added some truly exquisite new pieces (below) so this was a perfect post to tie it all in. Hopefully some of these images are new to you, while some I realize you have seen.......they are just too pretty to not include. The truly wonderful things about blue and white is that literally it goes with every single color. I dare you to find a color that it doesn't work with. Impossible!! How about you, has blue and white-itis struck you too? Happily there is no cure in sight. So lets take a look at blue and white at its very best.........
Just some of my very favorite blue and white goodies!!
Ahhhh, this is sheer blue and white perfection accented by soft earth tones, Scott Snyder
Like a breath of fresh air, this room is so crisp, clean and gorgeous! Verandah House

This picture just always draws me in, it is just sublime!
Love blue and white in virtually any kitchen, Alex Papachristidis
Blue and white, pink roses...the combination is so breathtaking! C Roehm
Carolyne Roehm long known for her love of blue and white always gets it right!!Love the idea of putting a bunch of different shapes and shades of gingers jars together as a beautiful vignette, Sroka Design
Blue and white outside is simply perfect and so crisp and elegant, At Home
How great is Mary Ann's guest room from Classic Casual Home? Stunning!
Gorgeous blue and white room by Scott Snyder
Gorgeous blue and white room by Scott Snyder
Ruthie Sumers
Amy Howard designed this beautiful understated room
Love this fabric (have it in my kitchen) and the blue and white ginger jars are the icing on the cake, New England Home
Carolyne Roehm's magic touch with blue and white strikes again!
Rhapsody in blue....Scott Snyder
The blue and white is simply gorgeous against the rich warm brown, Alex Papachristidis
I love the use of blue and white against dark dramatic walls, Jeffrey Bilhuber
Part of a Christmas vignette in my own the way the red pops against the blue and white! Breakfast with blue and white is always a great way to start my day!
White hydrangeas were meant to be placed in blue and white containers!
Adore this inviting, warm and super elegant breakfast nook
Love this elegant grouping and the dramatic effect of the branches, Classic Casual Home
My own little vignette of my favorite color combo
Charlotte Moss hit a home rum with this spectacular table setting in blue and white!
Love the way the white upholstery plays off against the crisp blue and white, New England Home
Love this cluster of magnificent blue and whites filled with white flowers...scrumptious!
My friends beautiful center hall table, with an explosion of blossoms filling her beautiful blue and white vase
Picture perfect....Carolyne Roehm at it again!
Adore this picture...proof that there is simply no such thing as too much blue and white! Lonny
William Eubanks used blue and white to perfection in this ultra fabulous room!
Guess where and the following are also from my home...proof of my undying love for all things blue and white!
My newest ginger jars "put to the test" and they passed with flying colors:)
This kind of left me speechless...had to include it but how to describe this? A shrine to blue and white? An overdose of blue and white? A room you don't want to be in during an earthquake? Yes to all the above!
I must share with you the newest members of my blue and white family! I just added them to my online shop and I have to say these are some of my most favorite pieces! Absolutely stunning. What I love about them is that they have a lot of white in them so they are a beautiful contrast when using them as part of a grouping.....take a look!
15" bowlGorgeous diamond shaped foo dog jars
Oversize temple jar
Stunning foo dog ginger jars
And these are going to be added in the next day or two.....LOVE!
And these are going to be added in the next day or two.....LOVE!
15" round bowl
14" tall flat top jar
14" tall flat top jar
30" mega impact vase
18" ginger jar
9" flat top jar
14" tall flat top jar
14" tall flat top jar
30" mega impact vase
18" ginger jar
9" flat top jar
Click here if you want to visit my online porcelain shop. Thanks as always for stopping by and seeing whats happening over here. I love to know your thoughts on everything I gab about...and wondering how many blue and white fans there are out there! Tell me if you too are part of the "blue and white club" and your favorite way to use it. May your day be as delightful as blue and white makes me feel!
Visit Pink Pagoda for more blue and white gorgeousness!! Click here.
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