Sure hope this posts on time as I scheduled this for Monday morning while I am away. I am being featured over at Amy Vermillion's blog today for her "Whats on my nightstand" posts...such a fun idea! Hope you will come visit me there after reading this post. Click here to visit.
Good morning! Time for another round of "Bloggers beautiful abodes" and have I got a treat for you! So sit back and savor that cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this post full of beauty and wisdom. Say hello to super talented........
Mary Ann is an uber talented Newport Beach, California based designer (if she wasn't so sweet it would be easy to hate her for being lucky enough to live that California dream). She is always doing something gorgeous whether in her own beautiful home or adding her touches to her friends ......and trust me they ALL look right out of the pages of your favorite design magazine!
She has totally nailed the elegant coastal vibe to perfection and I am a huge fan of her work and her blog. Whether she is redoing a guest room, prepping for the most beautiful taco night I have ever seen or planning a little fete in her assured its something you want to see and take notes on! Her blog is one I simply do not miss. Period. I feel like we are friends and know we would be fast friends if we ever meet If you don't know of her, be sure you head over to say hello and by all means sign up.....her blog is a total keeper. Enough of me, lets hear from wonderful Mary Ann.........
Thank you, Tina, for inviting me to tell
you and your "enchanting readers"
a bit about our home in
Newport Beach, California.
It's small, as many homes
are on Lido Isle
(the island below on the right)
but we can walk or ride bikes
to the beach.
See the patch of grass on the sand?
That is the playground for the grammar school where our son attended.
He always came home with sand in his shoes!
1. How long have you been in your present home? Is this it for the long haul? Anything you would care to change if you could?
It's a 1950's cottage that we remodeled and moved into two and a half years ago.
I'm not sure we'll stay here forever.
The people inside the home are what's important to me,
but this would be a comfortable place "for the long haul."
If I could change anything, I wish we had more of a foyer...but there just isn't room.
I do love our dutch door.
My bedroom because I like to be lazy and
3. How would you describe your decorating style?
Casual with a little French
and classic elegance.
and classic elegance.

Both the child's corner chair and fireplace screen
were bought at flea markets in France.
4. Do you have a favorite color scheme? What is it?I don't really have a favorite color combination. In my own home, I like a white backdrop so I can play with color. I do enjoy doing all neutral interiors for others who prefer it though.
Same chairs two ways.

5. Favorite room of your house and why?
Right now, it's our guest room since I just finished it for the One Room Challenge. I stenciled the wall myself...a major feat for a non-do-it-yourselfer (but it only costed about $35).
6. Best two tips you can give to anyone looking to tackle the decorating of their own home? - Hire a decorator (through referrals), even to use just as a sounding board. He/she can help keep you on track with your goals and budget. If that's not an option enlist a friend who's taste you admire.
- Start files on Pinterest, Houzz and from magazines. When you start to see common threads in your images, you will begin to understand your style preferences.
- Don't get in over your head doing work like electrical or plumbing that is better left for the professionals
- Don't be afraid to try things...move your furniture around, mix it up (I might go a little overboard here :)
My husband would say it's his stove since he loves to cook.
I like the storage in our pantry and that I can use the appliances in there and keep our counters clear.
8.How do you like to dress up a cocktail table and console in a living room?

With books, trays, plants...
Or coral.

9.Any advice on the subject of lighting?
Dimmers, especially on overhead lighting.
Layer with task lighting wherever you might want to read and also for ambiance.
10. Have a favorite paint color? Do tell!
I have this Benjamin Moore White Dove
on walls throughout my house.
on walls throughout my house.
11. What are a couple of really simple inexpensive things you can do in your home to make it feel "homey" and inviting?
Fruit (the lemons are from our tree),
flowers and candles!

12. Fill in the blank- If money was no object, the very first thing I would buy for my home would be...
a beautiful, antique Persian rug in muted tones for the living room. Ah...someday.
Thanks so much for having me over, Tina!!!
Best wishes,
Is she good or is she good? Mary Ann........I never tire of seeing your beautiful and welcoming home. It is just so warm, elegant and beautifully put together and that guest room must have been done with me in mind so pencil me in for June :) By the way....that taco night I mentioned, well here it is........don't know about you but in my casa, taco night does not look like this:)
And check out the bridal shower she threw.....are you available for my birthday in December?
Love these tomato caprese appetizers that she made......
Thanks to everyone for stopping in and to Mary Ann for opening up her gorgeous abode for us all to marvel over! Be sure to stop over and say hello to the lovely Mary Ann, click here.
If you want to check out my guest post over at Amy Vermillion's blog (and I do hope you will) click here.
Thanks for stopping in...have a wonderful Monday!
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