I am closing out 2012 with this post. Fingers crossed that my husband will be up to travel on Sunday for a few days to get away, after playing "nurse Tina" 24/7 for the last 5 days I am ready to strangle someone get away for a few days......so hopefully we will get to go and I will be back later in the week! If not you might be hearing from me again sooner than later!
Wow. Hard to believe 2012 is nearly over. Crazy, how that happens. Where on earth did time go? So many things I wanted to do. Some got done, others well....are still simmering on the front burner:) Hopefully in 2013, fingers and toes are crossed! The last five days I have been on call 24/7 for husband in bed with the flu...made the most of it, stealing an hour here and there to run out, meet a friend or do a little bargain hunting on Christmas decor for next year, saw for the umpteenth time, Last Holiday, Its Complicated and The Notebook while a box of chocolates nearby dared me to not eat it..... I lost! I look back at my blog and see how its grown, how I have grown, reflecting fondly on all the people I have met, taking such joy out of reading over the countless emails I have received from people telling me things like "you got me excited about my house again" or "you have made me look at blue and white a whole new way and now I can't get enough" or that they simply feel like I am their friend, and trust me, I feel like you are mine too:) The gratification blogging has brought is frankly hard to put into words, but suffice to say its a big part of my life, a big part of me and it has helped me to rediscover my passions in an unbridled and liberating way....so thank you for your support and embracing what I have to share and say! I thought it would be fun to reflect on my blog this past year so I included a post from every month that had special meaning or significance or just was pretty to look at! And then I finish off this post with a few personal reflections on things I have learned and take away with me as we close out 2012. And finally I want to wish each and every one of you the best 2013 possible...may it be a year filled with good health, joy, love, laughter and many reasons to smile. We have had a great year together but the best is yet to come! So let's walk down memory lane together shall we..........
January...we moved, we finally did it! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/01/coming-up-for-air-and-moving-update.html February.....settling in!http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/02/dust-is-settling-and-moving-update.html March...a big big announcement! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-biggest-announcment-to-date-and.html
April...a prayer for Teddy (and all your prayers worked)!http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/04/say-prayer-for-teddy.html
May...see what my dream wedding would look like http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/06/by-invitation-onlyyou-are-invited-to-my.html
June...a living room is born.http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/06/living-room-is-born.html
July...movies, food and other fun topics! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/07/lets-talk-food-movies-and-other-odds.html
August...love crowns and caronas! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/08/canopies-caronas-and-crownsoh-my.html
September....Brimfield, the one and only! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/09/brimfield-or-bust-and-we-have-winner.html
October..a perfect month to talk about my favorite season! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/10/by-invititaion-only-thoughts-on-october.html
November...who can ever forget Sandy! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/11/i-survived-sandy-and-i-am-back.html
December....what else, Christmas! http://theenchantedhome.blogspot.com/2012/12/my-home-christmas-2012-and-giveaway.html And a few reflections on things I have learned in 2012....... There is such liberation in the power of being able to "let go". I used to think this was a silly saying/cliche but indeed "letting go" is a real thing! Yes, it is a lot of work to get to that point but when you realize ultimately no matter what you have planned, what you have decided will and should happen, that it in the end what will happen.......will happen. This year has been a first for me, allowing things to happen as they are meant to happen and it has truly changed the game for me, and its very liberating! It's a work in progress but I am moving in the right direction:)
That there are no words to properly convey how short time is, how precious and for those of you with young families, little children... really enjoy and savor every moment. Really. I cannot tell you what I would give to click my heels and have my kids be young again......never think you are taking "too many" pictures or videos. No such thing! They will be all you have to take you back to those happy times and they will keep you smiling for years..... That when you look good you feel good. So true. When you invest that extra few minutes or effort into looking good (and of course you never know who you might run into).....there is undoubtedly that extra pep in your step, just no doubt about it! That life is too short to not enjoy great food. I realized this year just how much I enjoy cooking, how excited I get over buying the freshest ingredients, how a new cookbook sends my senses into overdrive....yep I love it all. It's like cheap therapy! Life is too short to not enjoy good food. Scratch that...make it great food! I used to, when I was younger and inexperienced, think olive oils were all the same, that dried basil is not so different from fresh basil, that a Parmesan in the market cannot be that much more inferior to freshly shaved Parmesan....boy, was I wrong! Go out there and buy the freshest ingredients you can, then make a meal with them and see and taste the difference!
That everyone out there and I do mean everyone is fighting some kind of battle...some smaller and some bigger. By remembering that, it allows you to "give a break" to people and to be more forgiving, more tolerant, I have made a conscious effort to remind myself of this often.
That you should take every single opportunity given to travel and learn, spread your wings and absorb the knowledge out there, embrace the unknown. Any chance you are given...seize it. There is so much to discover and learn. This year I hope to practice what I preach and get out there and discover something wonderful and unexpected myself! I have a lot of living yet to do.....
That when I was younger and my parents used to tell me over and over how my handwritten letters and homemade gifts (of which there were many) were the best and most cherished of any, I never believed them. But now, I "get it". Saying they were right is an understatement. Seeing those darling letters and perfectly imperfect gifts made by my kids (then) cute little hands are truly amongst my most cherished possessions. Save every one, just touching them allows the memories to come rushing back!
That age is just a number, I have always thought this but now I really think it, live it and believe it. I don't feel too old to do anything, well maybe wear velour sweat suits and UGGS, ...but I honestly feel like there's nothing I can't do. Health is wealth, that is for sure and it applies to your mental health as much as it does to your physical being. I want to continue to challenge myself to new things. What will you do to challenge yourself in 2013?
So that my dear friends and readers is a recap of 2012. Its been a great year, some highs and lows.....but I truly think the best is yet to come. For all those who check in with me every day...thank you. Thank you for your support, kind and encouraging words and sharing as you do. You make me want to get up and get busy on my blog every single day! I love the connections I get to make daily with so many from all over the world..that in itself is quite a phenomenon and a true blessing!
I wish everyone a blessed and full 2013, a year filled with great things, big achievements, personal goals, unedited laughter, too many smiles to count and above all good health. Cheers to a fabulous 2013!
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