It doesn't run but its the first thing to welcome us as we arrive "home" to the country, Highwood Studio
The more north we drive, the harder it snows....a winter wonderland it is!
The minute I spot the old beautiful barns resting peacefully in the fresh snow I know we are near!
Down a long road, which resembles an enchanted forest covered in white, ModernHepburn
Yep I have arrived! There is the horse drawn carriage, kids heading to the neighborhood ice rink and the all American wholesomeness I have been craving! BNBfinder
Driving up to the quaint but understated country home might look like this, CT.cottages and gardens
I know I have arrived in the country when I see my delivery of fresh milk in the bottle waiting for me......YES!!!!!!
Rustic but welcoming beyond words, Hometrenddesign
When I see the first deer....I know I am home! Flickr
My first official purchase in the country...Vermont maple syrup! VT country store website
So I can make these delectable little treats, maple syrup scones...yum! Pinterest
One of my favorite spots is right in front of the big fireplace in the great room, DIY Network
A casual but charming breakfast room has lots of big windows to bring the outdoors in!
I have looked so forward to being cocooned in my beautiful rustic elegant oasis of a bedroom, particularly charming when its snowing furiously outside! IMG Fave
The first guest bedroom will be all white and ooze casual elegance....Country Living
My kitchen might resemble something like this, charming, country-ish but elegant! Brunch at Saks
And in that very kitchen we will make delectable home made goodies like old fashioned gooey chewy fudge!
And since I have nothing but the luxury of time, I will make my coffee the good and old fashioned way...with a French coffee press...yummy! Can I pour you a cup?
The living room is large, open, warm and rustic, Country Living
We will have tons of time for this.....yummy hot chocolate, Napa Style
And baking tons and tons of these........
Punctuated with many breaks of serious wine and cheese sessions! Wit and Delight
Never once not getting out of these!!!!!! Uggs
I will have an assortment of toasty cashmere robes waiting....becuase 90% of the time, this is what we will be wearing! Its all about comfort my friends:) Pinterest
At night, I enjoy sitting by a crackling fire with a glass of wine, soft music and catching up with a great book or playing a board game...
We will enjoy a big great old fashioned country breakfast on Christmas morning!
You know a big stack of flapjacks is getting served up with fresh maple syrup, milk in a glass bottle and apple bacon! Honey and Jam
Our Christmas tree will not be filled with a surplus of shiny perfect ornaments but instead will have an assortment of framed vintage prints and photos, Martha Stewart
My big boys will feel like little guys again when they sleep in this oh so cozy room of bunk beds built of massive tree limbs, Littlenooks
This is one of my favorite spots in the entire home, my little reading nook, The feathered Nest
Even the barn at dusk is illuminated with the seasons magic, Pinterest
For Christmas dinner, I will place a large assortment of white lillies in a beautiful cast iron antique urn, Country Living
On snowy mornings, we will sit on the covered porch, with fresh java in hand and take in the splendor of natures gifts. Frenchbydesign
I am fortunate to have two guest my dear friend get this one! Complete with fireplace!! Country Living
There will be plenty of down time for some serious baking......Paper Mulberry
For the overflow of guests, I will put them up in the charming neighboring Woodstock Inn...lucky you!
We dont' have a lot to do (just the way I like it) but one of my favorite things is the old fashioned book store with its dim lighting, its a wonderful stop...
Love the crickety floors, and waxed paneling, who needs techy gadgets when you have THIS! MIragebookmark
And of course skating over at the local pond, will be a must do every afternoon!
And we will find time to visit a few of the local antique shops of course!

Its not fancy but with its aged brick walls, its charming, cozy and inviting and the foods fabulous!

And naturally when you visit we will go for an old fashioned sleigh ride.........right out of Currier and Ives!
It will be such fun....I can hardly wait. I am already planning on what I will wear, what I will bake, and what board games to pack! We will be cooking, sleigh riding, baking, reading, ice skating, game playing, drinking hot chocolate and indulging in super decadent sweets, marshmallow roasting, to our hearts content. No pressure, just an old fashioned country Christmas.....ahhhhh, I think my blood pressure just went down a few notches! Wishing you the merriest of holidays and may the spirit and magic be alive in each of us!
I love this and how true it is.....
Keep calm and jingle on!
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