You know I love this space, just look at my header! Kitchen bath ideas
Always love this French feeling kitchen, Traditional Home
GORGEOUS entry hall......John Bobbit
French perfection! Charles Faudree

Whats more French than a settee in French toile? Pierre Deux
Love the rustic but very sophisticated French vibe here, Barry Dixon
Cathy Kincaid designed this fabulous French boudoir
Another stunning French room by David Easton
Stunning vision in French decor, love the neutral richness. Things that inspire
Soft muted palette in this charming French sitting area, Shannon Bowers
The master of French decor himself, Charles Faudree
Nothing like a gorgeous armoire next to a fabulous French chair..littlefrenchgardenspot
Betty Burgess designed this rustic French kitchen, stunning!
Sumptuous master bedroom, Barry Dixon
Gorgeous pair of French beds grace this beautiful bedroom, Marshall Watson
Love the idea of a french settee being used as part of the seating at this dining table
Beautiful elegant French kitchen, love the light and dark, Eva designs
Always loved this fabulous dining room...French and fabulous! Southern Accents
Karyl Paxton designed this beautiful space, love the touches of orange.....
We all know this kitchen well by now but its worth including! Michelle Allman
Beautiful country French dining room, Patrick Dunne
Charles Faudree upholstered the walls with fabric in this decadent master bathroom
Shannon Bowers designed this beautiful and elegant pale foyer
Always loved this hallway/foyer! Southern Accents
Love a delicate french chair in a bathroom, Joe Minton
Always loved this elegant very French room, love the mantle, Things that inspire
Gorgeous French bed is done with beautiful vintage feeling linens, Country French
This just oozes French appeal! Betty Lou Phillips
When you have a French room with paneling this gorgeous you don't need to do much!
Love a feminine French chair as an accent in a bathroom, House Beautiful
Always loved this beautiful room by Charles Faudree
Painted and glazed cabinetry in a beautiful soft green accented with reds, Michelle Allman
John Bobbitt designed this dreamy French bedroom!
How elegant is this fabulous library!! Things that inspire
A beautiful resting place, Lisa Cohen
Always loved an understated porch like this one with an assortment of French pale furniture
Fabulous sumptuous suite bathed in neutral splendor, Barry Dixon
And just a little recap. Many thanks for bearing wtih me as I feel out my OCD tendencies and get my "jollys" doing these little mosaics. The day will come when I will tire of them and move onto some other little project but until then........
So what are your thoughts on French decor? Is it a like or a love? Do you have any French influences in your own home or a particular look or element you love? Would love to know. Hope you have a great day...Au revior!
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