I continue to love being officially in "blog world" and all that I have discovered with it, wonderfully entertaining blogs, beautiful and creative blogs, whimsical and silly blogs, intellectual and thought provoking blogs but more than anything, what I love most is that I have met so many amazing people! The kindness and warmth of those I have met so far has been so welcoming. Lisa Porter, of The Lisa Porter Collection, whose blog I absolutely love was kind enough to bestow upon me a gold star, which is a very kind way to recognize me. Lisa, thank you...So, part of accepting this gold star is answering 10 questions to help readers get to know me a little better. So here I go- the 10 questions asked of me are:

2. Name your three best memories. Honestly, the day each of my three beautiful sons were born (glad I didn't have that fourth after all, how would I have answered this question!)
3. Name four of the best fiction books you have read. The Help, DaVinci Code, The Kite Runner and Apologize Apologize.
4. What are the five best movies ever made? Love Story, Horse Whisperer, Great Expectations, Somethings gotta give, and Gone with the wind
5) Name five things I cannot live without. My family, my dog, coffee, good food, my special friends.......5 key ingredients to a great life
6) If you could change your name what would it be? This could change depending on my mood and day, but today I am feeling like a Isabelle or Caroline. (though I do like my real name, Christina)
7. Tell us a unique and interesting fact about yourself. That if I was 20 I would plant myself in law school or would become a writer/producer making movies and that I have had a long ongoing fascination with all things Everest, yes as in that big, looming, scary, ominous mountain that people dare to ascend. Have seen almost every movie, documentary and read countless books on the subject..all this coming from me, the one who can't stand outside in the snow for more than 5 minutes because "its too cold" :) IRONIC!
8) What do you love best about yourself? That I think I am eternally young:) and don't feel "too old" to do anything, that I am still figuring out what I want to do "when I grow up" (I get it honestly and you know who you are) and still plan to do many things on my list! The fun has just begun....
9) If you had a freaky Friday experience, who would you change places with? Humm.....good question. I am going to go with Nancy Meyers, only because I have loved every movie she has produced and I have so many great ideas (at least I think they are great) and would love to be in her shoes with her resources to be able to "make it happen" plus she is just uber talented. (Also just say Its complicated, again.....so am in a Nancy Meyer state of mind)
10) What is the best thing about being a woman? Knowing everything, (just kidding-) having all the feminine qualities that I love and cherish but finally being able to be every bit an equal in what was once solely a "mans world". There is virtually nothing we cannot strive to be and do.Then you throw in having the ability to multi task, not being bashful about asking for directions (I know you are all in agreement here) and being able to talk our way out of a speeding ticket (wink).......... Thank you Lisa Porter!
And from Ecoaccents (everything is printed on linen and hemp)
Pillows from Jolie Marche's (all cotton and burlap pillows- French inspired)
Then you have the clean fresh pillows from Cococozy
From Dransfield and Ross, a group of everything from nautical to formal silk florals
A more traditional look from Linni Sisters Inc.
And from the Elizabeth Lucas Company (Printed on canvas with a gauze overlay...interesting)
Would love to know if you have a favorite and where/how you would use it. Have a wonderful day!
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